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    $88.00 $70.40
    內容簡介: 大帽山龍不出崗! 馬鞍山龍從八仙來! 港島龍從大嶼來! 劉師此三點把香港之龍行重點狠狠道破,不單只更正了近代地師於香港行龍走勢之誤區,還史無前例地把香港拆開成不同的小局作仔細分析。 依着本《新論》所說的行龍形勢,再參照不同巒頭古籍上關於大地行龍結地的記載,驚見香港之龍脈真如古人所說,行龍頓起之星體層層剝換,一路順生,過峽處迎送有情,環環抱擁,處處符合龍水左右旋交媾之道。在《新論》解釋之下,香港各區之龍水局勢及格局高低可謂一目了然,各位更可以自家的理氣及元運理論套用之,必能解開不少關於香港各區發展之優劣與先後次序等之謎團。 作者簡介: 劉銳山 地理玄空掌派掌門劉銳山先生,生於壬寅歲次。受教育於香港,自退休後一直潛心鑽研五術並致力研究中國易學斷層文化。於二千年先後揭開了二千年來易學之謎,「京房八宮卦與洛書數運動規律」、「月相納支」、「京房圓圖之四正四隅重疊」、「量天尺之源」等等。文章分別輯錄於《京房繼傳》、《地理玄空掌派》、《增訂京房繼傳》。 二千年初創立全球最多華人駐足瀏覽的術數網站—— 術數縱橫、命理王及術數縱橫臺灣,會員達十萬之眾,使傳統的術數文化重新振翅。 宏泓道者(郭翹峰) 郭翹峰完成商業行政學士及碩士課程後,開始從不同的術數大師身上鑽研中國術數,研習五術已超過十年時間,尤其精於堪輿學、紫微斗數、姓名學、面相、易經等。 癸未年,郭先生成為六壬弟子,法號「法槐」。戊子年劉銳山師父成立了玄空掌派,郭先生有幸成為玄空掌派的首席弟子。庚寅年初秋呂祖仙師賜「宏泓道者」給郭先生,盼能揚道宣玄於世。 郭先生深信中國五術不是導人迷信,而是結合了程式、經驗及常識,透過專業的術數分析,助人達致人生和財務目標的好工具。經過十多年的研究及經驗累積,已將所學集成了三本英文堪輿書出版。
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    $128.00 $102.40
    "內容簡介: “I have known Kerby's interest in Feng Shui for many years. His interest and enthusiasm on the subject matter certainly bestow onto him the title of Master by everyone who knows him. To interpret accurately in English an ancient oriental art form applicable to a world we live in today can only be achieved through sheer love of the subject beyond all other consideration. Like the old saying says, 'goes seek and you shall find is applied here'. Congratulations Kerby on your third book, I suspect there is more to come.” Patrick Lee, CEO & ED, Allied Properties (Listed in Hong Kong) “Kerby has always been kind to share his knowledge of Feng Shui with me when I need some personal advices. It is great to know there is a book of his hard works and insight that one can refer to.” Tony Lee, CEO & ED, Shenyin Wanguo (HK) Ltd. (Listed in Hong Kong) “Congratulations Kerby on your commendable effort to bring the appreciation of the ancient Chinese art and science of Feng Shui to the English speaking world.” Dato John Wong, Executive Director, COL Capital (Listed in Hong Kong) “I am totally impressed by your expansive and exponential Feng Shui knowledge and put it to pragmatic usage in this modern world.” Francis Tiong, CEO & ED, Chinese Media International (Dual listed in HK and Malaysia) Vice Chairman of One Media Group Limited (Listed in Hong Kong) “Congratulations Kerby in your efforts in pursuing the knowledge of the unknown, solving the unsolvable, demystifying the mystery, and establishing some order in a world of disorder. Good work!” Harry Pang, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley 作者簡介: Master Kerby Kuek, Chief Disciple of Xuan Kong Zhang Pai, has been practicing Feng Shui and Life Reading for more than 10 years. His areas of expertise include Chinese Astrology, Name Analysis, Face Reading and I-Ching. Kuek holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (Newport University, USA) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Manage"