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    Baby CEO

    $92.00 $73.60
    "Looking Back And Then Striding Forward: The year 2006 is coming. Angel Tong, the baby CEO cherish the happiness while she's looking back on the past years. Less than one year after she established her first beauty salon, she launched a branch of her business with more than 10 beds. She was in her early twenties at that time. Many people would take it as a great success for a young girl. But she did not take it as a success. She thought it was the result of her effort. Time flies away and years goes by like shuttles, now her company is greeting its eighteenth anniversary. Memory about her company's starting stage is deeply implanted in her mind. For ten years, her continuous management concept is to emphasize the importance of getting slim and living healthily. She will strive for the beautiful dream with utmost efforts. As the main theme of this book: There is always unhappiness in one's life. She knows that one cannot live a peaceful life all the time. One cannot avoid encountering frustrations, but it's hard and important for people to face and overcome the difficulties. She would like to encourage those who are having tough difficulties. She often says, “when it gets darker and darker, the sun is going to rise soon! The sky will clear up ultimately! You should believe that you could stride forward to approach the success. Success is the height you jump from the bottom of the valley in which you fall into.” Angel Tong’s knowhow of success: - The Rise of a Young Beauty Entrepreneur Starting at teens and becoming president at twenties - From a refractory girl to a mature discreet steerer - A charismatic woman - A smiling boss in employees' eyes - Learning from the vanity fair - Returning the human community with beauty and loving care - An honest confession of a successful president - A revelation to the noble rise out of the secular world"
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    一本坦率老實的成功總裁自白,一股俗世清泉自強奮鬥的啟示。 唐安麒創立第一家美容中心未滿一年,已開了第二家規模更大的分店。那時,她才剛過二十歲而已。大多數人會覺得,這對一個小女生來說已是很大的成就了。但唐安麒卻不認為這就是成功,只是努力的成果。如今,唐安麒在香港、台灣兩地已擁有超過二十間美顏瘦身專門店,以及超過三百個產品銷售點。 在過去的日子裏,唐安麒經歷了這麼多的波折,她不但沒有倒下來,反而如鳳凰浴火重生,愈挫愈勇﹗本書會讓您更深入認識這位不像總裁的超級囡囡總裁--美麗與智慧兼具的唐安麒。
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