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    123! 科學話你知 (一套6冊) —— 滿足孩子千奇百趣的想頭 一問.一答 啟發科學潛能! 科學,總是充滿未知。大世界小知識,由你不斷探索!你知道如何令探索科學的過程變得有趣好玩嗎?透過問與答,可以提高學習興趣,輕輕鬆鬆吸收科學知識。 《123! 科學話你知系列》(一套6冊) 123!科學話你知—北極熊從不滑倒!?——動物篇 123!科學話你知—我的身體發光了!?——人體篇 123!科學話你知—什麼顏色最幸福!?——生活篇 123!科學話你知—我跟地球在自轉!?——地理篇 123!科學話你知—下雪會吸收噪音!?——物理篇 123!科學話你知—鮮花常常喝多了!?——植物篇 網上書店限定68折 // 9.12 起至 15.12 // 原價$408 優惠期內$277.4 *須付郵費或專遞費,請參考網上書店郵遞及收費條款《親子英語閱讀系列 》(一套5冊)郵費計算: 本地專遞:$100+$277.4 =$377.4 *「香港郵政速遞」不適用於68折套裝。
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    Aftermath of Landlord Era

    $168.00 $134.40
    內容簡介: Hong Kong is a short-pitched society whose habit is to leverage the spree for living. Within the ambit of city vibrance and adaptability, the impetus to economy rests with the scarcity of land resources. This is endorsed by embracing PRC motherland for sustaining economy in tourism and Chinese red chip company listing on Hong Kong stock exchange market. Much devolution with the Hong Kong identity is awaiting the ideology to greet the compulsive dynamic merging into the economy with Greater Bay Area. The downside of close unifying to PRC in the past two decades is the lost track on legal framework without a coherent answer to efficaciously amalgamate Chinese civil law system into common law tradition inherited since the colonial era. This elicits much social unrest and discomfort. The debate on legislating Article 23 of the Basic Law is a trivial revelation to the pragmatic dilemma with the two legal systems. A charge with common assault or public nuisance is discreetly silent to improvise the notion in sedition and public disorder. There remains yet certain imperfect implementation with Chinese civil law system to honour human rights and democracy, to veto elected candidate and political party, to cater for Hong Kong education style in anthem law, and to upkeep judicial independence from administration and coordination amongst public bodies to judiciary quality in delivering judgment. New legislation and legal branches of competition law and tribunal is the notable evidence to overhaul Hong Kong legal system into a globally practising standard. An understanding of market competition and economy is the prerequisite for the full enaction with Competition Ordinance outside the restrictive application to price rigging in tendering practice or to monopoly in corporate shareholding. Domestically, the legal strategy with stamp duty in Hong Kong governance sporadically missed out a tangible picture for a succinct pragmatism to curb the rocketing price of land property. This entails amendment to enacted legislation in the aftermath. Absorbing knowledge and resilience in travelling and living a life in different countries is of paramount importance to be conscious on lifestyle and cultural pursuit at the hustle and bustle of city life. This book serves you as a guide and reference to live sentiently in the small city of Hong Kong.   作者簡介 : Ivan-Noah Tang received his education in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom and is a backpacker with domiciling residence in many countries. He is wilfully conscious of the hysteria with American racism, British subtlety and Chinese custom. Ironically and contrary to ostensible dichotomy, he relies upon self-esteem and assurance on the unrivalled liberty and autonomy in American, conservatism and elitism in Englishman, and convenience and localist dialect with a HKID card in Hong Kong.
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    Baby CEO

    $92.00 $73.60
    "Looking Back And Then Striding Forward: The year 2006 is coming. Angel Tong, the baby CEO cherish the happiness while she's looking back on the past years. Less than one year after she established her first beauty salon, she launched a branch of her business with more than 10 beds. She was in her early twenties at that time. Many people would take it as a great success for a young girl. But she did not take it as a success. She thought it was the result of her effort. Time flies away and years goes by like shuttles, now her company is greeting its eighteenth anniversary. Memory about her company's starting stage is deeply implanted in her mind. For ten years, her continuous management concept is to emphasize the importance of getting slim and living healthily. She will strive for the beautiful dream with utmost efforts. As the main theme of this book: There is always unhappiness in one's life. She knows that one cannot live a peaceful life all the time. One cannot avoid encountering frustrations, but it's hard and important for people to face and overcome the difficulties. She would like to encourage those who are having tough difficulties. She often says, “when it gets darker and darker, the sun is going to rise soon! The sky will clear up ultimately! You should believe that you could stride forward to approach the success. Success is the height you jump from the bottom of the valley in which you fall into.” Angel Tong’s knowhow of success: - The Rise of a Young Beauty Entrepreneur Starting at teens and becoming president at twenties - From a refractory girl to a mature discreet steerer - A charismatic woman - A smiling boss in employees' eyes - Learning from the vanity fair - Returning the human community with beauty and loving care - An honest confession of a successful president - A revelation to the noble rise out of the secular world"
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    "“The reflective vignettes in this timely book on counselling practice in the context of gambling addiction services are very evocative; they offer a wide coverage of practice situations and experiences, providing insight not only into the individual-psychological ramifications of this ever widening scourge, but also of the relational context and the impact of gambling on families, partners, work relationships and others. Further, the political - economic dimensions are regularly referred to - if not thoroughly elaborated, which indeed would require another book! - but they are certainly illustrative of the very complex nature of gambling addiction and its insertion at all levels of societal process and structure. The book will hopefully add to the growing awareness amongst widening groups of concerned citizens in Hong Kong and elsewhere about the devastating effects excessive gambling can and does have on the community; it should also add to the emerging questions about the ethical aspects of this form of ‘recreation’ and about the profound implications its spread has on the society as a whole. I recommend this book warmly and may it become a valuable tool in the context of education and training of counsellors, in professional development and, more generally, amongst those who are concerned about the effects addictive gambling has on Hong Kong and beyond.” Jacques Boulet, PhD Gambling Researcher and consultant, Borderlands Cooperative Head of oases Graduate School in Integrative and Transformative Studies."
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    LEARN FUN 涼粉日記

    $68.00 $54.40
    內容簡介: 隆重鉅獻,貓與人、人與貓、貓與貓、貓與老友們,活生生的「四格貓事」。同場加映 全球獨家「概念貓繒本」及超可愛涼粉「真貓寫真集」,搞笑之餘還有「情深讀白」, 大家齊來LEARNFUN吧! 「停一停,諗一諗,重拾喜樂FUN童真!喵~」 作者簡介: 【關於涼粉】一隻俏皮黑白唐貓,黑耳朵、黃綠眼睛、粉紅鼻子、四蹄踏雪又牙尖咀利,出生兩個月後由現任主人收養,兩伴兒同住一單位,朝夕相對、形影不離。牠自小便擁有貓權在屋內四圍走動,一隻小貓與主人分享一個三百多平方呎的單位,有食有住又有得屙,古古惑惑四處找麻煩,想像力豐富之餘又極度自我、自以為是,貪玩貪食又貪睡,最愛金魚朋友、老鼠兄弟和曱甴姐姐。涼粉表演慾強,愛東奔西跑、跳高跳遠、弓身擺尾,只求吸引你的注意。牠對身邊的事物常常充滿好奇心,無論是新擺設或新擺放的舊擺設,都要碰一碰、嗅一嗅,彷彿要經牠檢定通過。 【關於小子】涼粉的主人,原是一個憤世青年,後來在人生的幽谷中遇上涼粉。涼粉的活潑,打破了沉悶間的寂寞。自與涼粉雙依生活後,學會了生活之道,現在更可以輕鬆自處,身體和心境也隨之變得越來越細,差點被帽子遮蔽。涼粉激發了小子埋藏於心底深處的童真,不但令他減少對朋友的猜忌,更讓他懂得用心去欣賞和認識身邊的每一個人。小子之名是要提醒自己不要忽略身邊微小但真正有需要的人。 涼粉網址:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/learnfuncat
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    〔只限書展現場取貨〕衛斯理╳原振俠異物卡組(第一彈)【連限定珍藏卡夾】 網上書店預購優惠: 原價:HK$168 預購價:HK$108*  異物卡-02 此貨品只限書展期間於明報出版社攤位取貨,如選用其他取貨方式請前往: https://books.mingpao.com/?p=21339 書展日期:7月17至23日 明報出版社攤位:1C-E02 衛斯理╳原振俠異物卡組簡介:
    • 特別邀請「香港重機」作者葉偉青(Felix Ip)操刀設計
    • 以精美的插畫展現衛斯理及原振俠故事中的非人異物
    • 每套含6張插畫鐳射閃卡連限定珍藏卡夾
     內容簡介: 人類不斷向外太空發送信息,但原來宇宙已經在不知不覺間回應了我們…… 衛斯理和原振俠一生奇遇無數,早已認知到這世界並非只有人類居住,還有許多不同的異物遍地橫行。 所謂異物,就是奇異奇詭的概念,也是倪匡(1935-2022)異想天開之物。 *數量有限,售完即止 *不用選取配送方式
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    A至Z,輕輕鬆鬆學電腦 必學資訊科技詞彙一網打盡 資訊科技發展一日千里,電腦已成為每人生活的必需品。學會電腦的理論及應用知識,確可使人終生受益。本書作者蒐羅與資訊科技知識相關的詞彙,精挑嚴選詞目約400餘條,加以詳細闡釋,並摹繪多幅幽默滑稽的漫畫插圖,讓讀者寓學習於娛樂,體會學習資訊科技知識之樂趣。本書條目清晰,查找方法簡易,是一本適合電腦應用者的實用小詞典。 作者簡介: 松青早年畢業於本港著名學府,其後負笈美國加州大學攻讀工商管理學位,歷任美資銀行、華資證券、中資航運等集團之高級行政職位凡二十年。現旅居美國。
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    謝潤華Booklet cover output
    內容簡介: 上帝創造了宇宙萬物,想與人分享祂的美善。由於人犯罪的原故,便與上帝分離。上帝選擇了亞伯拉罕和他的兒子雅各,後來上帝給他改名叫以色列,從此以色列承擔了完成上帝創造計畫的使命。通過亞伯拉罕的約,再加上大衛的約和新約,上帝已經表明了祂對以色列那份永不改變、無盡的愛,並且確認祂將永久守約。為了得享上帝與人分享的一切,我們必須知道以色列在末後的角色,並守望他們,祈求突破這些障礙。 作者簡介: 謝潤華 ~ 中華基督教會教友 ~ 纽约神學教育中心聖經研究碩士 ~ 美國聖經生命神學院神學研究博士 ~ 專門研究以色列末後的呼召 ~ 特別探討中國人和以色列的關係 ~ 曾參與祈禱事工及以色列事工多年 ~ 創建《以色列大家庭》臉書(Facebook)專頁
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    內容簡介: 這本書結集了「新希望行動」同工、前線醫護人員,以及服務對象的經歷和心聲,讓我們可以清楚知道彼此關懷和互相支持可以帶來溫暖,令人克服內心的懼怕,重新面對新生活。 周一嶽醫生 衞生福利及食物局局長 「彷彿整個人飄在空中,不相信自己最親的人竟會如此對待自己,有如做了一場噩夢……」 家,對我們來說,是安樂窩的代名詞,但原來,也可以是暴力的溫牀。被至親的人虐打,那種傷痛往往比被不相干的人責打來得更深,除了身體上可見的傷痕,還有心底裏難以磨滅的陰影。如何可以減少家庭暴力的發生,正是和諧之家社工們的使命。本書除了有社工將親身目睹的家暴行為娓娓道來外,最特別之處,還有受家庭暴力影響的人,包括受虐者與施虐者的心底話,讓我們可以直接感受到暴力為家庭帶來的摧毀性。 作者簡介: 和諧之家 「和諧之家」於一九八五年成立首間專為受虐婦女而設的庇護中心,致力為她們提供保護及關懷。經過二十一年的努力,我們不斷作出創新的嘗試,為受到家庭暴力困擾的人士,提供適切及優質的服務,並於二○○六年成立「香港賽馬會?狺和諧一心——家暴防治中心」。本機構現時提供的服務包括﹕庇護中心、新家庭社區教育及資源服務、第三線男士服務、新希望行動——家庭暴力危機處理小組、天水圍鄰里「守望星計劃」和兒童及青少年服務。