內容簡介: Provenance is a repertoire of poems written by the same daughter, student, lawyer, wife and mother over a span of twenty years in Hong Kong. The 47 poems explore sociocultural and more personalised themes of transformation, deprivation, aspiration and love against the backdrop of a city of East-West dichotomy. Such exploration culminated in the author’s artwork presented in this book. 作者身兼女兒、學生、律師、妻子和母親,將自己在香港二十年間所撰寫的詩歌,結集成《Provenance》一書。在東、西文化碰撞的城市背景下,這47首詩探討了社會文化,以及更內在的主題──轉變、匱乏、渴望和愛。作者也以畫作表達出自己對這些主題的探索。 內容試閱: 2024年12月份新書推介——MM428《Provenance》_interior1 2024年12月份新書推介——MM428《Provenance》_interior2 2024年12月份新書推介——MM428《Provenance》_interior3   本書特色:
  1. The poems in the book include an array of themes that echoes various chapters of life and depicts the stark contrast between traditional Chinese expectations and contemporary values. 本詩集包含了一系列的主題,呼應生活中的各個章節,並描繪出中國傳統思想與當代價值觀之間的鮮明對比。
  1. The author seeks to explore a range of varied poetic forms in the book. 作者在書中力求探索不同的詩歌形式。
  1. The book includes the author’s artwork which adopts both a Western surrealist approach in depicting her poetic themes as well as a Chinese ink wash approach in creating visual fluidity. 本書收錄了作者的油畫作品,既採用了西方超現實主義的手法來描繪詩意主題,同時以中國水墨畫手法來創造出視覺流動性。
  作者簡介: Joanne Lau Joanne Lau is a lawyer born and raised in Hong Kong. She is the recipient of the Most Highly Commended Award at the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest. Joanne Lau於香港出生及成長,現為一名律師。她曾獲得湯姆·霍華德/約翰·H·里德詩歌競賽的最高讚揚獎。