
  • 特價 LL122s
    內容簡介: 聊天不靠Emoji,學會用英文這樣說! 一個Emoji可抵千言萬語?如果不用Emoji,你還能用文字去表達自己嗎? 而我,想無拘無束和你用英文聊聊天。 我們或許早已習慣了使用Emoji,但符號歸符號,始終無法取代文字的地位。如果你的文字已被Emoji逐漸入侵,本書正好幫助你脫離依賴,重拾英語會話和寫作力! 本書特點:
    • 包羅80個常用情緒詞彙,助你精準描述自己的感受和描繪心中的情緒。
    • 通過逾500句例句,快速掌握情感表達方式。
    • 80幅爆笑Emoji插圖,圖文並茂,增加閱讀樂趣!
      作者介紹: Aman Chiu 從事中英雙語寫作多年,其英語專長於語文教育領域,已為幼齡至成年不同年齡層的讀者編寫英語教育圖書合計兩百餘種,包括教科書、學習詞典、補充練習、故事書、童詩和模擬試卷等不同類型,內容廣泛,形式多樣。經他編寫的圖書在中港台多地受到廣泛使用。著作《港式地道俗語中英Guide》獲第四屆「香港出版雙年獎」(語文學習)出版獎。 Aman早年受聘於朗文出版亞洲有限公司(現為培生集團),任職詞典及翻譯出版部經理,領導該部門出版一系列朗文英漢雙解詞典。近年,他在語言學術方面的研究亦獲得國際認可,其論文出版已分別於香港、奧地利、日本、捷克和德國等地出版或發表。
  • 特價 LL121s
    • 結合STEM與英文教育 建立小朋友於理科的英語運用能力,提早準備跨學科學習。
    • 收錄科學重點詞彙 超過40個淺顯易懂的科普主題情境,配合圖像記憶,令小朋友輕鬆學懂未來必須認識的STEM英文詞彙。
    • 生活處處是科學 把各種STEM要素融入生活,讓小朋友沉浸在科學語境,培養他們對科學的興趣,同時提升英文閲讀能力。
    作者簡介: Karol Fong 香港中文大學生物學理學士及香港大學環境管理理學碩士。目前為插畫工作者,熱愛科學及創作,並將其結合,創立科學文創品牌「腦力研究所」。喜歡海洋的一切,特別是鬚鯨亞目。閒時喜歡與朋友浮潛、潛水及划獨木舟,也喜歡觀鳥。
  • 特價 LL120_cover_s
    內容簡介: 你知道這些句子錯在哪裡嗎?
    • This chicken noodle soup is very delicious!
    • If it isn’t sweet enough, try to add a little sugar.
    • I think she won’t come.
    • They gave me a good advice.
    • She was too ill that she could not get out of bed.
    苦學英語多年的莘莘學子,往往真正與外國人日常交流時,會尷尬地發現,自己所說的並不是地道英語,而是半中半英、不中不英的「中式英語」(Chinglish)。 原來我們在說寫英文時,往往會將中文的思維帶入英文,Aman在本書精選60句常犯中式英語,劃分成八大類型錯誤,包括亂鑄新詞、行文累贅、逐字翻譯、選詞錯誤、胡亂搭配詞、數量詞及That和To之用法。 本書以正誤對照方式分析說明,附設例句教學,每課課後均設有練習題。不再laugh die your friends,寫出正確道地的英文吧! 作者簡介: Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 《美國家庭天天說的親子英語 》(Sunya).
  • 特價 small image-en3
    內容簡介: 《英語詞彙力精讀系列》共4冊, 連同贈品共5冊- 限時優惠 LL115       Word Power Made Easy 1 (Describing People) 英語詞彙力精讀(描寫人物篇) LL116       Word Power Made Easy 2 (Describing Things) 英語詞彙力精讀(描寫事物篇) LL117       Word Power Made Easy 3 (Daily Actions) 英語詞彙力精讀(日常動作篇) LL118       Word Power Made Easy (Specific Actions) 英語詞彙力精讀(特定動作篇) 作者簡介: Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya). 1套4冊 (享免運費, 加送贈品一本) LL97         Miss Joey 每日一英文字 原價: HK$352 震撼價: HK$250* *數量有限,售完即止 *只限一次免費本地送貨服務 (離島及香港以外地區送遞費另計) *不用選取配送方式, 只需輸入運送地址
  • 特價 small image-en2
    內容簡介: 《親子英語閱讀系列I-V》共5冊, 連同贈品共6冊- 限時優惠 LL51         親子英語閱讀 - 希臘史詩與神話 LL55         親子英語閱讀II - 十大莎士比亞劇戲故事 LL56         親子英語閱讀III - 世界著名童話與傳說 LL69         親子英語閱讀IV - 故事的魔法 LL75         親子英語閱讀V - 隨心去追夢 作者簡介: Lisa Tam,於美國北卡羅萊納中央大學及東田納西州州立大學先後取得圖書館及資訊科技碩士、教育碩士。任職國際學校及雙語學校圖書館老師多年,專責資訊素養教育、英語兒童文學閱讀推廣及英語故事講述,並曾為香港教育局、香港圖書館主任協會等主講英語兒童文學閱讀推廣工作坊及講座,已出版《打氣英文Cheer Up》及《親子英語閱》I-IV。 1套5冊 (享免運費, 加送贈品一本) LL97         Miss Joey 每日一英文字 原價: HK$390 震撼價: HK$270* *數量有限,售完即止 *只限一次免費本地送貨服務 (離島及香港以外地區送遞費另計) *不用選取配送方式, 只需輸入運送地址
  • 特價 LL119_cover-fin
    內容簡介: 廣東話博大精深,由以前流傳的地道俗語,到現在的網絡用語及影視對白,都廣為香港人所應用。無論是與朋友、家人,抑或同事溝通,港式俗語或者潮語總是不可或缺,但假若你的交流對象是外國人,你又會怎樣演繹這些地道用語?難道「講呢啲」英文真的是Say this thing嗎?不想在外國人面前紅都面晒,便要一書傍身學學英文! 本書搜羅八十個常用地道用語,劃分成七個主題,從情境題到影視對白都應有盡有,每頁更會記載各個俗語的由來,學英文之餘更可學到香港語言歷史! 此外,各個章節都會圖文並茂、中英對照,附設例句教學,讓你可以靈活運用各個港式常用語的英文說法。 作者介紹: Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya).
  • 特價 LL117_cover_s
    內容簡介: WORD POWER Made Easy series The Most Effective Handbooks for Building a Superior Vocabulary The Word Power Made Easy series is designed to give readers the most effective method for building their vocabulary. It presents the essential core of words that students at secondary schools must know and be able to use fluently for academic success. The 2,000+ words and phrases presented in four books altogether constitute an essential vocabulary for ESL students and test-takers, as well as others who speak English as their second language.
    • Each book contains 500+ English terms presented in a series of brief word-building units.
    • Each unit introduces 10 to 15 synonyms explained in simple language and example sentences.
    • Difficult entries are accompanied by phonetic translation.
    • Pre-reading quizzes and post-reading activities help you put your words into practice and measure your word-building progress.
    • An indispensable tool for you to prepare for standardized tests, including the SAT, ESL, TOEFL and TOEIC.
    以中學生的英文程度為起點,從同義詞出發學好英文! 本書是一個系列,每本以主題劃分,介紹50個常用詞彙,並為讀者搜羅與此相關的10-15個同義詞,提供簡單中英文解說,附以中英對照的例句,讓以英語為第二語言的讀者們可以輕鬆掌握詞彙準確而多變的用法。 舉例說,在這冊《日常動作篇》中,要說解釋,你第一時間想到的是否「Explain」?但其實還可以視乎情況使用account for、justify、illustrate、spell something out等!這樣就能在日常生活中展示你的多元化英語能力! 以每組常用詞為單位,還設有課前小測試及課後練習活動,讓讀者可以知道自己的學習進度,針對改善弱點。 這本書既可以幫助一般讀者改善日常英語的詞彙能力,也是參加規範式考試,包括SAT、ESL、TOFEL及TOEIC的精讀工具!   作者簡介 : Aman Chiu Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya).  
  • 特價 LL118_cover_s
    內容簡介: WORD POWER Made Easy series The Most Effective Handbooks for Building a Superior Vocabulary The Word Power Made Easy series is designed to give readers the most effective method for building their vocabulary. It presents the essential core of words that students at secondary schools must know and be able to use fluently for academic success. The 2,000+ words and phrases presented in four books altogether constitute an essential vocabulary for ESL students and test-takers, as well as others who speak English as their second language.
    • Each book contains 500+ English terms presented in a series of brief word-building units.
    • Each unit introduces 10 to 15 synonyms explained in simple language and example sentences.
    • Difficult entries are accompanied by phonetic translation.
    • Pre-reading quizzes and post-reading activities help you put your words into practice and measure your word-building progress.
    • An indispensable tool for you to prepare for standardized tests, including the SAT, ESL, TOEFL and TOEIC.
      以中學生的英文程度為起點,從同義詞出發學好英文! 本書是一個系列,每本以主題劃分,介紹50個常用詞彙,並為讀者搜羅與此相關的10-15個同義詞,提供簡單中英文解說,附以中英對照的例句,讓以英語為第二語言的讀者們可以輕鬆掌握詞彙準確而多變的用法。 舉例說,在這冊《特定動作篇》中,要表示贊同、同意,你第一時間想到的是否「agree」?其實nod、share one’s view、go along with、embrace,甚至You can say that again!都可以表示你認同別人的意見。因應不同情況運用不同的表達方式,既能更貼切地表現你的情緒反應,又能展示你的英語能力! 以每組常用詞為單位,還設有課前小測試及課後練習活動,讓讀者可以知道自己的學習進度,針對改善弱點。 這本書既可以幫助一般讀者改善日常英語的詞彙能力,也是參加規範式考試,包括SAT、ESL、TOFEL及TOEIC的精讀工具!   作者簡介 : Aman Chiu Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya).
  • 特價
    Out of Stock
    Smart Phonics 1-3 1

    MPR Smart Phonics 1-3

    $450.00 $360.00
    內容簡介: (i) In Smart Phonics Book 1, children are introduced to short and long vowel sounds, “a”, “e”, “i”, “o” and “u”. (ii) In Smart Phonics Book 2, children are introduced to initial and final consonant sounds. (iii)In Smart Phonics Book 3, children are introduced to common blends, diagraphs and word families. They are then encouraged to make use of the skills learnt in the previous books blend the sounds together to decode words. Developing your child’s skill in reading fluently does not stop here. Provide your child with a lot of print materials to cultivate an interest in reading. Make reading a fun family activity. With practice, your child will be able to read independently. 推廣期: 16/3 - 30/6/2020 只限「順豐到付」,參考費用:HK$35 (運送方式不用選擇, 保留柴灣到取便可) 此產品由MPR HK Limited負責運送。 產品查詢 : (852) 9743 5706 梁先生 注意事項: 訂單確認後,MPR產品將由MPR HK Limited負責運送。如有任何運送及產品查詢,請聯絡(852) 9743 5706 梁先生。  
  • 特價
    Out of Stock
    好孩子愛聽愛讀系列15-20 1 (V)
    內容簡介: (i) 原創小故事繼續與你一起發現生活裏的大道理。 (ii)「龍媽媽寶典」:作者以當媽媽的經驗,引發一眾父母與子女多思考小故事裏的大道理,盡量將小朋友能明白的教訓,融入生活裏。 (iii)「聽完故事……」:一起來延伸故事裏的趣味點子,構思簡單有趣的親子活動,與小朋友過過癮! 推廣期: 16/3 - 30/6/2020 只限「順豐到付」,參考費用:HK$35 (運送方式不用選擇, 保留柴灣到取便可) 此產品由MPR HK Limited負責運送。 產品查詢 : (852) 9743 5706 梁先生 注意事項: 訂單確認後,MPR產品將由MPR HK Limited負責運送。如有任何運送及產品查詢,請聯絡(852) 9743 5706 梁先生。
  • 特價
    Out of Stock
    MPR聽讀樂學前套裝 (3-8歲) 2
    內容簡介: 好孩子愛聽愛讀系列故事書8本, 「日常生活學習卡」「動物水果學習卡」2盒共86張,小象點讀筆1支。 童話角色,文字均能發聲,增強聽講能力,教材輔以普通話,廣東話及英語發音,有助學習兩文三語,小象點讀筆點於書上即可發聲。 推廣期: 16/3 - 30/6/2020 只限「順豐到付」,參考費用:HK$65 (運送方式不用選擇, 保留柴灣到取便可) 此產品由MPR HK Limited負責運送。 產品查詢 : (852) 9743 5706 梁先生 注意事項: 訂單確認後,MPR產品將由MPR HK Limited負責運送。如有任何運送及產品查詢,請聯絡(852) 9743 5706 梁先生。
  • 特價
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    MPR聽讀樂學前套裝 (0-3歲) 2

    MPR聽讀樂學前套裝 (0-3歲)

    $1,390.00 $1,112.00
    內容簡介: Fun to learn ABC 2本,學習卡 「數字」「日期與數字」「大自然」「食物」4盒共160張,好孩子愛聽愛讀系列故事書6本,小象點讀筆1支。 童話角色,文字均能發聲,增強聽講能力,教材輔以普通話,廣東話及英語發音,有助學習兩文三語,小象點讀筆點於書上即可發聲。 推廣期: 16/3 - 30/6/2020 只限「順豐到付」,參考費用:HK$65 (運送方式不用選擇, 保留柴灣到取便可) 此產品由MPR HK Limited負責運送。 產品查詢 : (852) 9743 5706 梁先生 注意事項: 訂單確認後,MPR產品將由MPR HK Limited負責運送。如有任何運送及產品查詢,請聯絡(852) 9743 5706 梁先生。