
From this book, you’d learn…
1. insightful works written by literary writers, helping us to reflect on what and how we should do to make our lives more meaningful and worthy; and,
2. the use of good and appropriate English.
In this book, you’ll find the proper ways to do reading comprehension, through strategies taught in this book:
– ‘How to Locate Main Ideas and Details’
– ‘How to Use Lexical Skills’.

You’ll also learn to write good English, by acquiring more grammatical knowledge:
– Parts of Speech;
– the Use of Various Prepositions;
– English Usage, Expressions and Patterns in Different Context.

This book is helpful to those who are:
1. students with strong aspiration for good results in English; or,
2. you, who are interested in English but find no way to enhance your capabilities for it.

When using this book properly, you’ll find your reading and writing skills in English improved, your confidence in using English boosted, and your scare of English cleared away.


終生從事教育工作。英國格洛斯特大學 (Gloucestershire University) 榮譽文學士,英國特許語言學會會員 (MCIL),英國雪斐爾大學 (The University of Sheffield) 及洛丁漢大學 (The University of Nottingham) 碩士。多年於專上學院任教哲學,課程包括「哲學概論」、「孟子至大至剛之人生哲學」、「莊子之逍遙人生哲學」、「老子之虛一而靜、無為而為之人生哲學」、 「宗教哲學──上帝之至善與人性之陷墮」等。著有《道論──通論孔‧孟‧老‧莊‧佛陀‧基督之道》一書。