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    "《Learning English with Regina》及《Learning English with Regina II》自出版而來,一再加印,極受大眾歡迎。 《Learning English with Regina III》收錄了葉劉淑儀二十五篇英文時事評論文章,內容涵蓋區議會選舉、國民教育、特首選舉、外傭爭取居港權、雙非嬰兒、公務員體制、特首施政報告等等。葉劉淑儀更在文末就其行文用語作出深入詳盡的講解,讓讀者邊了解她的觀點看法,邊學習各種進階英語句式和寫法。葉劉淑儀在文中大量運用英方文學典故和地道俚語,不論是從英語學習角度,還是從時事分析角度來看,她的文章的確極具參考價值。 Regina is both a prolific writer and thinker and this collection of her writings cover the many important issues that are of crucial importance to Hong Kong and its future wellbeing. The plethora of topics reflect her wide range of interests and concerns. Mr. Robert Dorfman Board Chair 2011-12, World Presidents' Organization 作者簡介: 葉劉淑儀於香港政府服務達二十八年,是香港首名出掌紀律部隊(入境事務處)的女性(1996年至1998年),也是首名獲委任為保安局局長的女性(1998年至2003年)。2003年,她獲美國史丹福大學亞洲語言系邀請加入成為訪問研究學者,遂向政府請辭,負笈美國進修。三年後,葉太於2006年重返香港,成立「匯賢智庫」並擔任智庫的理事會主席,其後於2008年成為立法會港島區直選議員,繼續服務社會。 其他著作包括: 《四個葬禮一個婚禮──葉劉淑儀回憶錄》 《Learning English with Regina 跟葉太學英語》 《Learning English with Regina II 跟葉太學英語 II》 《理性有時‧感性有時》 《家‧國‧情》"
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    "葉太英文好,係人都知道!是以《Learning English with Regina》由第一冊添食至第四冊,歷久不衰!葉太每場教授英語文法的講座,均座無虛席,但見在座人人拿著筆和記事簿,認真聆聽,小心做筆記,便知道大家都渴望從葉太這個英語寶庫中,學到一招半式,傍身備用! 《Learning English with Regina》系列來到第四冊,正名為《正「識」英語》,有讓讀者正式地認識英語的意思,葉太可謂用心良苦,期望讀者真的能從本書內容當中,了解到正確的英語文法,也學習到英文寫作的趣妙之處! Part 1 Chapter 1英語運用淺談 Chapter 2基礎英語要學好 Chapter 3常犯的錯誤 Chapter 4慣用語、片語 Part 2 Chapter 1從政評文章學英語 Chapter 2從社評文章學英語 作者簡介: Regina IP LAU Suk Yee Regina Ip is a First Class Honor graduate in English of the University of Hong Kong in 1972. Her passion for learning drove her to study for three master degrees at different stages of her life: Master of Letters in Renaissance Poetry at the University of Glasgow, Sloan Management Program at Stanford University and more recently a Master of Art in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. She joined the Hong Kong Government in 1975, rising to the position of Secretary for Security and resigned in 2003. On her return from further studies in the US, she established a think tank, Savantas Policy Institute, in July 2006. She was elected as Member of the Fourth Legislative Council (LegCo) in September 2008 and was re-elected in 2012. She founded New People’s Party (NPP) in 2010, and was appointed as Non-Official Member of the Executive Council (ExCo) in 2012. She now divides her time between serving on ExCo and LegCo, running NPP and Savantas, conducting policy analysis, writing her columns, and undertaking various forms of non-paid public service. "
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    內容簡介: 葉劉淑儀談論政治非新鮮事,但她教英語運用你又聽過未? 香港大學英文系一級榮譽畢業,葉劉淑儀的英語造詣之深無可置疑。由英國道地俚語,到莎翁筆下角色的傳世名言,至新舊約聖經故事的典故,葉太逐一跟讀者娓娓道來,詳盡剖析,更以香港政制及當今社會現象舉例說明之,實行令讀者能夠觸類旁通,融會貫通。 學英語,不能囫圇吞棗。將英語文法詞彙生吞活剝的話,只會適得其反,不能活學活用,結果當然事倍功半。現代社會講求通識教育,一口流利英語已是基本要求,若能在說話、行文中加插典故諺語,則可令人對你留下深刻印象,英語能力高下立見。 葉劉淑儀在本書以英語撰寫論政論事的社評,理闢義精,以透徹的角度道出對現今香港社會政治、社會、經濟、教育等各方面的精闢見解,章末又以中文解釋內文較特別的英文用語,務求令讀者一方面明白到她的政治觀點,另一方面可理解到文章內英語精句的運用,增進英語水平。 Learning English with Regina,你今天學左未? 相關視頻:葉劉淑儀出書教英文 作者簡介: 葉劉淑儀於香港政府服務達28年,是香港首名出掌紀律部隊(入境事務處)的女性(1996-1998),也是首名獲委任為保安局局長的女性(1998-2003)。2003年,她獲美國史丹福大學亞洲語言系邀請加入成為訪問研究學者,遂向政府請辭,負笈美國進修。三年後,葉太於2006年重返香港,成立「匯賢智庫」並擔任智庫的理事會主席,其後於2008年成為立法會港島區直選議員,繼續服務社會。
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    $128.00 $102.40
    "內容簡介: “I have known Kerby's interest in Feng Shui for many years. His interest and enthusiasm on the subject matter certainly bestow onto him the title of Master by everyone who knows him. To interpret accurately in English an ancient oriental art form applicable to a world we live in today can only be achieved through sheer love of the subject beyond all other consideration. Like the old saying says, 'goes seek and you shall find is applied here'. Congratulations Kerby on your third book, I suspect there is more to come.” Patrick Lee, CEO & ED, Allied Properties (Listed in Hong Kong) “Kerby has always been kind to share his knowledge of Feng Shui with me when I need some personal advices. It is great to know there is a book of his hard works and insight that one can refer to.” Tony Lee, CEO & ED, Shenyin Wanguo (HK) Ltd. (Listed in Hong Kong) “Congratulations Kerby on your commendable effort to bring the appreciation of the ancient Chinese art and science of Feng Shui to the English speaking world.” Dato John Wong, Executive Director, COL Capital (Listed in Hong Kong) “I am totally impressed by your expansive and exponential Feng Shui knowledge and put it to pragmatic usage in this modern world.” Francis Tiong, CEO & ED, Chinese Media International (Dual listed in HK and Malaysia) Vice Chairman of One Media Group Limited (Listed in Hong Kong) “Congratulations Kerby in your efforts in pursuing the knowledge of the unknown, solving the unsolvable, demystifying the mystery, and establishing some order in a world of disorder. Good work!” Harry Pang, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley 作者簡介: Master Kerby Kuek, Chief Disciple of Xuan Kong Zhang Pai, has been practicing Feng Shui and Life Reading for more than 10 years. His areas of expertise include Chinese Astrology, Name Analysis, Face Reading and I-Ching. Kuek holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (Newport University, USA) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Manage"
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    "There were thousands and thousands of political exiles who had been forced to leave their countries in history. But political exiles like her, an 83-year-old woman in poor health, frail and fragile, weeping bitter tears all the way to a distant land, were rare. Maybe, she was the eldest of all exiles in the world. Professor Gao Yaojie, an octogenarian, has always been referred to as “China’s First Anti-AIDS Crusader” and is highly revered by the world. The memoir comprises two parts—Part I (The Gao Family and the Days before My Retirement) and Part II (Caught in the Storm of AIDS after My Retirement). In Part I, she guides the reader through different stages of her life: her childhood, her stay in Kaifeng during wartime, her student life in exile, her hospital life as a gynecologist, those days during the Cultural Revolution when she was subjected to humiliation at denunciation meetings… Tried by adversity, she simply got going when the going got tough. Such a portrayal of her life is suitably deemed a chapter in the contemporary history of China. In Part II, she provides an overview of the AIDS epidemic in China with meticulous care: how she waged war against bogus doctors, how she met her first AIDS patient, how she made significant discoveries about the primary cause of the disaster, namely that people had fallen victim to plasma economy during the plasmapheresis campaign of China in which blood plasma were extracted in exchange for money, how she was harassed, kept under surveillance, and placed under house arrest, how she was forbidden to attend presentation ceremonies in overseas countries, and how she found out that the people around her had been spied on, or had been incited to sell her down the river. New chapters of her life in exile after her arrival in the United States at the age of 83, her will, etc., are also included. “I had never for one moment imagined that I could become a heroine. I could have lived a quiet, uneventful, private life after I retired twenty years ago. I could have retreated from public life, and could have kept to myself, like thousands and thousands of senior citizens, if I did not go to see my very first AIDS patient, who sent me away on a journey of no return. Was I destined to find my calling as a doctor? Was I destined to be a health care provider? Was I destined to grow up in a family where I was given a Confucian education? Was I destined to go soft on people who were in pain? And was I destined to tear my hair out when I encountered the unscrupulous and the evil?” 此書為《高潔的靈魂──高耀潔回憶錄(增訂版)》的英文版。 「民間防愛第一人」高耀潔教授親筆撰寫以八十三歲高齡踏上流亡路的種種酸苦! 「我從來就沒有想當個什麼英雄。但是,是誰把那第一個愛滋病患者送到了我的面前? 使我從那一天起就走上了一條不歸路? 誰讓我是個醫生,誰讓醫生的天職是治病救人,誰讓我從小就在聖賢的教育下長大,誰讓我見了受苦難折磨的人就難以心安,誰讓我見了黑暗和罪惡就怒髮衝冠……」 八十多歲的高耀潔教授,一直是中國抗擊愛滋病的勇士,贏得國內外的讚譽和敬仰。 這書分成兩部分,「上篇:高氏家族和我退休前後的生涯」是高教授的自傳,童年、戰亂、當流亡學生、當上婦科醫生、下鄉、文化大革命、被批鬥、自殺未遂、兒子冤獄、被勞改……透過閱讀她的身世與苦難,我們其實也在閱讀中國近代史。高教授的每段經歷,也是磨難,而且,磨練出她那不屈的人格。 此書第二部分,即「下篇:退休後遭遇的愛滋風雲」,則是中國愛滋病疫情的詳細總論。從打擊性病遊醫,到遇上第一個愛滋病人,繼而揭發中國內地因為人民賣血而引起的災難性愛滋疫情,一直描述至她因此而被打壓、監視、軟禁,有獎領不得,連帶其他跟她有聯繫的人均被監控或教唆出賣的等等情形。本書(增訂版)也交代了為什麼高教授以八十三歲高齡,最終也得踏上流亡之路,與及到達美國後至今的生活。"
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    內容簡介: WORD POWER Made Easy series The Most Effective Handbooks for Building a Superior Vocabulary The Word Power Made Easy series is designed to give readers the most effective method for building their vocabulary. It presents the essential core of words that students at secondary schools must know and be able to use fluently for academic success. The 2,000+ words and phrases presented in four books altogether constitute an essential vocabulary for ESL students and test-takers, as well as others who speak English as their second language.
    • Each book contains 500+ English terms presented in a series of brief word-building units.
    • Each unit introduces 10 to 15 synonyms explained in simple language and example sentences.
    • Difficult entries are accompanied by phonetic translation.
    • Pre-reading quizzes and post-reading activities help you put your words into practice and measure your word-building progress.
    • An indispensable tool for you to prepare for standardized tests, including the SAT, ESL, TOEFL and TOEIC.
      以中學生的英文程度為起點,從同義詞出發學好英文! 本書是一個系列,每本以主題劃分,介紹50個常用詞彙,並為讀者搜羅與此相關的10-15個同義詞,提供簡單中英文解說,附以中英對照的例句,讓以英語為第二語言的讀者們可以輕鬆掌握詞彙準確而多變的用法。 舉例說,在這冊《特定動作篇》中,要表示贊同、同意,你第一時間想到的是否「agree」?其實nod、share one’s view、go along with、embrace,甚至You can say that again!都可以表示你認同別人的意見。因應不同情況運用不同的表達方式,既能更貼切地表現你的情緒反應,又能展示你的英語能力! 以每組常用詞為單位,還設有課前小測試及課後練習活動,讓讀者可以知道自己的學習進度,針對改善弱點。 這本書既可以幫助一般讀者改善日常英語的詞彙能力,也是參加規範式考試,包括SAT、ESL、TOFEL及TOEIC的精讀工具!   作者簡介 : Aman Chiu Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya).
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    李天命_small image
    內容簡介: 《李天命》作品集 - 限時優惠 V035 破惘(最終定本) V036 從思考到思考之上(最終定本) V037 李天命的思考藝術(最終定本) V038 哲道行者(最終定本) V040 殺悶思維(最終定本) V042 語理分析的思考方法 V043 寒武紀(新修版) 1套7冊 原價HK$686 震撼價HK$510* 優惠可享免運費及獲贈限量版環保袋乙個 *數量有限,售完即止 *只限一次免費本地送貨服務 (離島及香港以外地區送遞費另計) *不用選取配送方式, 只需輸入運送地址 作者簡介: 李天命 他是美國芝加哥大學的哲學博士,香港中文大學哲學系教授。 他講授數理邏輯,專精思考方法與天人之學,把高深玄奧的哲理講得如敘家常,通透易懂。 他幽默機敏,能言善辯,詞鋒犀利,常使人無處可藏而噤若寒蟬,人們稱他為「小李飛刀」。 他劍走偏鋒,其哲學思想與正統哲學大異其趣,不屑理會衛道者之為出軌異端。 他的講座一票難求,座無虛席,聽眾每每擠滿演講廳的樓梯通道,不得其門而入者只能望門興歎。 他惜墨如金,著作奇少,卻部部暢銷,且歷久不衰,屢創香港學術圖書再版及銷售紀錄。 他的讀者三教九流,既有社會名人、學者專家、又有販夫走卒、升斗市民、傳說甚至有職業殺手熟讀其書。 他是冷銳的思想家,又是溫柔的詩人;他的詩「天馬飛羈,飛仙遊戲」,清麗秀雅,風姿綽約。 他深居簡出,不露行迹,謝絕一切不必要的應酬和曝光,專事思考,冷眼觀世,透着幾許神秘。
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    內容簡介: 《通識系列》共6冊, 連同贈品共7冊- 限時優惠
    LS83 2022通識全攻略
    LS75 通識必讀時事議題
    LS55 通識多角度2(進楷版)
    LS70 星級通識筆記攻略
    LS66 通識恆常議題大攻略2
    LS74 破解通識密碼
    1套6冊 (享免運費, 加送贈品一本) LL99         文憑試應試系列 - 中文通識一路通 原價: HK$468 震撼價: HK$328* *數量有限,售完即止 *只限一次免費本地送貨服務 (離島及香港以外地區送遞費另計) *不用選取配送方式, 只需輸入運送地址
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    宛如魔幻.民情國態 小說寫兩個糊裏糊塗犯了案的青年,分別逃到外地,在一個陌生的城市會合,結識了當地的一位青年,苟活着。 大環境是那樣的糟糕,烏煙瘴氣,不辨方向。便是似乎可以擺脫「魔爪」的森林地帶裏,也有一堵無盡的圍牆,費好一番勁,翻了過去,竟也只能回到那無望的小樓去。 宛如魔幻,又是現實,譎異之中,較諸村上春樹的《1Q84》,韓寒筆下,有着較為強烈的訴求,有着較為急逼的等待,或許,這就是民情,這就是國態。
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    A至Z,輕輕鬆鬆學電腦 必學資訊科技詞彙一網打盡 資訊科技發展一日千里,電腦已成為每人生活的必需品。學會電腦的理論及應用知識,確可使人終生受益。本書作者蒐羅與資訊科技知識相關的詞彙,精挑嚴選詞目約400餘條,加以詳細闡釋,並摹繪多幅幽默滑稽的漫畫插圖,讓讀者寓學習於娛樂,體會學習資訊科技知識之樂趣。本書條目清晰,查找方法簡易,是一本適合電腦應用者的實用小詞典。 作者簡介: 松青早年畢業於本港著名學府,其後負笈美國加州大學攻讀工商管理學位,歷任美資銀行、華資證券、中資航運等集團之高級行政職位凡二十年。現旅居美國。
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    內容簡介: 《一起廣播的日子——香港電台八十年》是為了紀念香港電台八十周年而寫的,以香港電台的歷史為本,同時回顧香港公營擴播的發展,記述早期公營電台的成立,到後來經歷電視時代的衝擊,及至後期網絡革命對公共廣播的影響等,故此書亦可謂香港廣播史的概覽。 八十年間,香港電台製作了各種不同類型的節目,如廣播劇、實況劇、時事節目、DJ傾訴節目、烽煙節目等,與時並進,開創新思維,同時平衡商業電視台和電台的文化品味,肩負教育大眾的社會責任,建構自由、理性和感性的公共空間。閱讀本書時,你會不時看到《麗的呼聲》、《獅子山下》、《頭條新聞》、《城市論壇》、《千禧年代》等等耳熟能詳的名字,能夠勾起你我的集體回憶,並對香港公營廣播的發展有更深入的瞭解和反思。 香港電台是公營廣播機構,也是公共文化機構,研究港台廣播史,是重新思考自己的經歷和香港社會的成長過程。廣播劇、點唱節目、DJ熱潮、《十大金曲》、《新聞天地》、《獅子山下》、《鏗鏘集》,不一而足,然而我最記得的港台製作是七十年代的《太平山下漫步》,那是繼黃華麒主持的《電話說心聲》之後的香港史上第二個電話投訴節目。姓歐陽的主持人邀請官員解答市民疑難,我當時聞其聲不見其人,聽他的鼻音重,名字雅,又可以呼召官員接聽電話,為聽眾解答疑難。我以為歐陽一定是英國人,因他的名是「懿德」,憑音猜字以為是司馬懿的懿字,與港督戴麟趾(David Trench)的名一樣,同是出自《詩經》,彰顯英國官員將姓名漢化的苦心。當時「六七暴動」剛過,港英開始民政工作,逐步開放社會,英裔的殖民官很多都有漢名,有些更通曉粵語,民政官黎敦義(Dennis Bray)及鍾逸傑(David Akers-Jones)就是。我讀小學的時候,每朝都是聽了《太平山下漫步》才出門的,中學則是聽吳明林的《新聞天地》,自覺活在幸福世代之中──每朝都有人為自己做時事匯報,以前是政要的待遇。 很久之後,看報紙文章才知道,歐陽義德是唐人,是「義」氣的「義」字。他能夠呼召高官,是拜港督的開放政策所賜,也出自個人的勇毅。假如不是當年港台一個個人的衝鋒陷陣,令一般官員被迫走到陽光之下見市民,令政府領悟到公營電台有理有據的批評反而增加了政府的公信力和官員的責任心,香港的公共領域不會開放得那麼容易,官民關係也不會那麼親和。
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    《三生影像》,逾六百頁的篇幅,近三百幀老照片,盛載着作家厚重而深情的回憶: 我這輩子恍如三生三世——大陸,台灣,愛荷華,幾乎全是在水上度過的。長江,嘉陵江,愛荷華河。Paul和我各自經歷了人世滄桑,浮沉得失,在這鹿園的紅樓中,對失去的有深情的回憶,對眼前無限好的夕陽有說不盡的留戀。 回憶的小船從一九二五年開始前行。書中第一部寫出在動盪的戰火歲月中,聶華苓的家庭遭逢巨變,聶與母親相依為命,在艱苦掙扎下成長。第二部記敘聶輾轉漂流到台灣後的生活,在《自由中國》任編輯期間,遭遇政治壓迫、母親和弟弟離世的打擊,歷盡人世滄桑。第三部追述與第二任丈夫安格爾在美國從相知相愛到結合的半生情愛,多年後丈夫遽然離世,晚年竟不能與之同偕白首……一字一句,無不教人掩卷長嘆。回憶的小船,就此停留在一九九一年,也就是安格爾離世那一年,而對亡人的思念竟又綿長至今。