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Baby CEO
$92.00$73.60"Looking Back And Then Striding Forward: The year 2006 is coming. Angel Tong, the baby CEO cherish the happiness while she's looking back on the past years. Less than one year after she established her first beauty salon, she launched a branch of her business with more than 10 beds. She was in her early twenties at that time. Many people would take it as a great success for a young girl. But she did not take it as a success. She thought it was the result of her effort. Time flies away and years goes by like shuttles, now her company is greeting its eighteenth anniversary. Memory about her company's starting stage is deeply implanted in her mind. For ten years, her continuous management concept is to emphasize the importance of getting slim and living healthily. She will strive for the beautiful dream with utmost efforts. As the main theme of this book: There is always unhappiness in one's life. She knows that one cannot live a peaceful life all the time. One cannot avoid encountering frustrations, but it's hard and important for people to face and overcome the difficulties. She would like to encourage those who are having tough difficulties. She often says, “when it gets darker and darker, the sun is going to rise soon! The sky will clear up ultimately! You should believe that you could stride forward to approach the success. Success is the height you jump from the bottom of the valley in which you fall into.” Angel Tong’s knowhow of success: - The Rise of a Young Beauty Entrepreneur Starting at teens and becoming president at twenties - From a refractory girl to a mature discreet steerer - A charismatic woman - A smiling boss in employees' eyes - Learning from the vanity fair - Returning the human community with beauty and loving care - An honest confession of a successful president - A revelation to the noble rise out of the secular world" -
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Aftermath of Landlord Era
$168.00$134.40內容簡介: Hong Kong is a short-pitched society whose habit is to leverage the spree for living. Within the ambit of city vibrance and adaptability, the impetus to economy rests with the scarcity of land resources. This is endorsed by embracing PRC motherland for sustaining economy in tourism and Chinese red chip company listing on Hong Kong stock exchange market. Much devolution with the Hong Kong identity is awaiting the ideology to greet the compulsive dynamic merging into the economy with Greater Bay Area. The downside of close unifying to PRC in the past two decades is the lost track on legal framework without a coherent answer to efficaciously amalgamate Chinese civil law system into common law tradition inherited since the colonial era. This elicits much social unrest and discomfort. The debate on legislating Article 23 of the Basic Law is a trivial revelation to the pragmatic dilemma with the two legal systems. A charge with common assault or public nuisance is discreetly silent to improvise the notion in sedition and public disorder. There remains yet certain imperfect implementation with Chinese civil law system to honour human rights and democracy, to veto elected candidate and political party, to cater for Hong Kong education style in anthem law, and to upkeep judicial independence from administration and coordination amongst public bodies to judiciary quality in delivering judgment. New legislation and legal branches of competition law and tribunal is the notable evidence to overhaul Hong Kong legal system into a globally practising standard. An understanding of market competition and economy is the prerequisite for the full enaction with Competition Ordinance outside the restrictive application to price rigging in tendering practice or to monopoly in corporate shareholding. Domestically, the legal strategy with stamp duty in Hong Kong governance sporadically missed out a tangible picture for a succinct pragmatism to curb the rocketing price of land property. This entails amendment to enacted legislation in the aftermath. Absorbing knowledge and resilience in travelling and living a life in different countries is of paramount importance to be conscious on lifestyle and cultural pursuit at the hustle and bustle of city life. This book serves you as a guide and reference to live sentiently in the small city of Hong Kong. 作者簡介 : Ivan-Noah Tang received his education in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom and is a backpacker with domiciling residence in many countries. He is wilfully conscious of the hysteria with American racism, British subtlety and Chinese custom. Ironically and contrary to ostensible dichotomy, he relies upon self-esteem and assurance on the unrivalled liberty and autonomy in American, conservatism and elitism in Englishman, and convenience and localist dialect with a HKID card in Hong Kong. -
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123! 科學話你知 (一套6冊) —— 滿足孩子千奇百趣的想頭
$408.00$326.40123! 科學話你知 (一套6冊) —— 滿足孩子千奇百趣的想頭 一問.一答 啟發科學潛能! 科學,總是充滿未知。大世界小知識,由你不斷探索!你知道如何令探索科學的過程變得有趣好玩嗎?透過問與答,可以提高學習興趣,輕輕鬆鬆吸收科學知識。 《123! 科學話你知系列》(一套6冊) 123!科學話你知—北極熊從不滑倒!?——動物篇 123!科學話你知—我的身體發光了!?——人體篇 123!科學話你知—什麼顏色最幸福!?——生活篇 123!科學話你知—我跟地球在自轉!?——地理篇 123!科學話你知—下雪會吸收噪音!?——物理篇 123!科學話你知—鮮花常常喝多了!?——植物篇 網上書店限定68折 // 9.12 起至 15.12 // 原價$408 優惠期內$277.4 *須付郵費或專遞費,請參考網上書店郵遞及收費條款。 《親子英語閱讀系列 》(一套5冊)郵費計算: 本地專遞:$100+$277.4 =$377.4 *「香港郵政速遞」不適用於68折套裝。 -
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10000 THINGS TO DO(九萬樣要做)